When I extended the challenge to make Valentine's Day something more than how loved other people can make you feel….I got a GREAT response. It seems that there are lots of people who are consistently looking for ways to honor others, bless others and celebrate others. They jumped at the opportunity to do it on a day that is centered around LOVE. Here is what happened:
We had several people report that they cared for foster children, which is one of the things I personally did. One couple bought flowers for their widowed neighbor and left the flowers anonymously on her porch the night before. The last thing they said when telling me about it was, "We know those flowers will mean more to her than they would have ever meant to either of us." One widow decided to take the challenge and personally delivered flowers to all 5 of the widows on her block. A visit and a Valentine! We had lots of babysitting for first time parents and single moms. The Valentine's Day challenge also produced one babies first over-night stay so that Mom and Dad (who travels a lot) could have a kid free night.
Several teachers responded to the challenge and I always LOVE how creative they are. A music teacher who at some point has many kids in the school through her classroom did a note writing and card making project. She challenged her students to choose an adult in their school other than their own teacher and tell them through the card that they are loved and appreciated. Cafeteria workers, former teachers, janitors, secretaries, gym coaches and librarians were all touched by the thoughtfulness. Another teacher said that she paid specific attention to some of her junior high students who didn't get any Valentines. She then made sure by the end of the day they had all received some anonymous gifts if they hadn't gotten any from peers. Her goal was that NO child in that junior high be left out on this day.
One mom spent the whole weekend at a wrestling tournament with a kid who otherwise wouldn't have been able to go because his own parents were unable to take him. One mom made cookies for the neighbors and delivered them with her kid. Several single people took the challenge and also gave in some creative ways. One texted all of her single friends at the beginning of the day to wish them lots of love. Then on her way to work she paid for the person's coffee behind her in the drive thru and left a Valentine for them. A few other single people visited the hospital and nursing homes as well as paid for a meal for other patrons in restaurants where they were eating.
Without fail every person who participated said that it was as much fun for them as they had hoped it would be for their recipients. Isn't that just like love?